Another De Santis Plane Might Be Headed for Biden’s Ritzy Homes


Gov. Ron DeSantis appears to be sending another plane from Florida to an airport near Joe Biden’s homes, including his beach home in Rehobeth. That’s so thoughtful. After all, Joe wants more and more illegal aliens in the country. He says it’s good for us. It’s so good that Gov. Abbott and De Santis want to bring the border to them. They do have sanctuary cities to accommodate the world’s foreigners.

The plane heading for Delaware is the same one used to transport 50 illegal immigrants to Marthas’ Vineyard last week. It is heading for the small airport near Joe’s home, but no one knows if there are illegal aliens on it. This could be a false alarm.

These flights bring illegal immigration to the fore where it belongs. It is an existential threat to the United States.

It comes as lawyers for thirty of the forty-eight Venezuelans brought to the Vineyard say DeSantis lured them with promises of financial and immigration help. What were they told or promised to get them to say that? When they first got to the Vineyard, they were more than fine with De Santis.

The lawyers want the US Attorney General, partisan Merrick Garland, to investigate Gov. De Santis for kidnapping or trafficking.

A Democrat, Texas Sheriff Salazar, announced a probe into DeSantis, claiming he “kidnapped” or trafficked the illegal aliens. What was he told or promised?

Racist Democrats who don’t want brown or black aliens in their backyard call De Santis’s and Abbott’s actions a “political stunt.” Still, the real stunt is trying to indict the governors for trafficking or kidnapping. It’s absurd. Democrats do this sort of thing all the time but don’t do it to them, or they’ll try to imprison you.

Democrats will do anything to stay in power. They want a one-party nation so they can control all of us. You all know how they want to rule. You will have no freedom, no single-family homes, no cars, and a lousy educational system. And, you will go with the acceptable narrative or be canceled.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bussed another 101 migrants outside of VP Kamala Harris’s DC home days ago.

Democrats have the unmitigated gall to complain. What they are doing to border states to change the demographics for their permanent electoral majority is unAmerican. Watch:


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