Jill Biden’s PR stunt — 2 baskets of cookies for tens of thousands of troops


Jill and her two baskets of cookies

The Biden team turned the Capitol into an armed North Korean camp and made an unruly mob inside the Capitol into their Reichstag fire. They are keeping over 10,000 troops in the Capitol. Will they have enough parking garages available to house them?

One Democrat congressman is looking into permanent fencing.

This is the dreary world the Democrats want for us.

The Democrats didn’t trust our military, police, or Secret Service so Biden hired private security. His team had our National Guard vetted as if they were criminals. The new defense secretary Lloyd Austin will screen the military for Trump voters and NRA supporters, looking at them as the enemy. He will also look for racists and we imagine it only applies to whites. The new Democrat domestic terrorism laws will aim the DHS, FBI, NSA all at Americans, right-wing Americans.

Sending the National Guard to sleep on the floor of parking garages finally got the Bidens some bad press.

Dr. Jill decided to thank the troops, only after the bad press, with a cheap photo-op, taking a couple of basket of cookies to tens of thousands of troops.

They can’t even do PR ops right. That was her thanks for keeping them safe. Safe from what? There is no real threat, and the unruly mob on the 6th was not a team of insurrectionists. This is all nuts.

Hundreds of the troops now have COVID just so Joe could have his party.

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