Joe Biden Was Really Sort of Raised in the Puerto Rican Community


Joe Biden visited Puerto Rico today in the aftermath of the hurricane and promised them millions of dollars. To line the pot, he told them he was sort of raised in a Puerto Rican community. That’s as true as Elizabeth Warren growing up Native American.

Biden made some absurd pandering statements and others that didn’t make sense.

At least we know Jill is very familiar with Hispanic culture. She knows all about “bo-ge-das” and tacos. We all remember her telling a Hispanic group, si, si, pwodway.

“Joe Biden was raised in the Puerto Rican community (total lie), went to synagogue more than Jews (he didn’t), graduated at the top of his class (76th out of 85 people) with 3 degrees (actually 1) on a scholarship (no scholarship) and Hunter Biden’s the smartest guy he knows,” Robby Starbuck wrote on Twitter.

That about says it all.


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