Joe Biden Accidentally Exposes His G7 Cheat Sheet in Japan


Joe Biden accidentally exposed his talking points for the G7 [because others do his thinking for him]. Having a president who can’t say the most essential things without a cheat sheet is odd, to say the least. The first line on the sheet tells him to thank his host Mr. Fumio in his hometown of Hiroshima. Everything he says is on the paper from that basic comment to more basic comments.

Why fly nearly 7,000 miles to read off a cheat sheet and expose your dementia to the world?  Just read it over Zoom and stay home. Everyone knows he has to be directed constantly on anything. Does anyone think for a minute that he’s running the country? They’re mocking us.


As a result of the meeting, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will release oil reserves to keep prices down.

We have been working with the United States to stabilise the international oil market and we have decided to join the United States in selling part of our national oil reserves in a way that does not contravene existing (Japanese) oil reserve law,” Kishida told reporters.

Japan will release “a few hundred thousand kilolitres” of oil from its national reserve, but the timing of the sale has not been decided, industry minister Koichi Hagiuda told reporters on Wednesday.

Biden tripped again. Fortunately, he can still catch himself.

Here he is, acting like he has dementia. He shouldn’t really be allowed alone with children. He’s very odd, and the dementia doesn’t help.

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