Joe says do Republicans suck the blood out of children? 25th Amendment time?


Creepy Joe’s new line is Republicans are sucking the blood out of children. Is this like telling a college kid asking a reasonable question that she’s a ‘dog-faced pony soldier?”

A reporter daring to do the job of reporting questioned Joe Biden who became defensive. The president’s retort devolved into the exceedingly weird.

Asking about defunding the police is a perfectly reasonable question, but Joe doesn’t like questions.

The question was: “Are there people in the Democrat Party who want to defund the police.” The answer is obviously “yes,” and that is well-documented.

Biden lost it anyway. His answer was — do Republicans suck the blood out of children.

Oh man, come on man, that’s just crazy, man.

How did Republicans sucking blood become an answer in any realm of the rational?

It was a direct question about what Democrats themselves are saying. What the hay is going on in that Biden brain?

Even more amazing is that he was pleased with himself for his bizarro response.

Benny Johnson discusses the blood-sucking issue:

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