Joy Reid Sees Fascism in Masculine Men, Babies, & More


Joy Reid isn’t just far-left; she is one of the most illogical people on the planet. She sees fascism in everything normal. Don’t promote babies, just abortion.

“I do believe that this election is a litmus test for American tolerance for fascism,” Reid said. “The elements of fascism are rooted in this nationalistic drive for more babies for the state or a strong man-driven nation and a deep sort of state-based religiosity.

“So I do believe we have a media problem, and we do have some of our media that is leading people toward fascism.

“The question of America has become too soft and feminine.

“I think that is it’s a fascist litmus test. So, this question of whether society is too soft and feminine, um, it was alarming to me that a majority of Hispanic Protestants agree. But that’s not shocking.

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country – this is one of the most terrifying things that you’ve heard a presidential candidate say because it is right out of Mein Kampf; 23% of Jewish respondents agree with that because that’s straight-out Nazi talk.”

Donald Trump was referring to illegal alien gangs and other unsavory sorts when he talked about poisoning the blood. Massive immigration transforms a nation.

Clear signs of Reid Fascism:
  • Wanting more babies
  • Hispanic Christians who believe in masculinity
  • Thinking men shouldn’t be feminine
  • Some in the media
  • Thinking criminal illegal immigrants are bad
  • Jewish people who are anti-illegal immigration

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