Judge Merchan, who will preside over the Stormy Hooker case against Donald Trump, has already sent the retired elderly Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg to prison for five months for accepting some unreported perks.
This is the Trump “hush money” case, a standard NDA (nondisclosure agreement) case to keep a pest like Stormy the Hooker from causing distractions. Judge Merchan has conflicts of interest.
Merchan’s wife Lara worked for the attorney general who is prosecuting the civil fraud case against Trump. His daughter Loren is running a campaign for the defendant’s opponent – Joe Biden, and other prominent Democrats, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff. She is also taking money from the Democrat Attorney General Association.
Laura Loomer uncovered the information.
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Lara Merchan worked for 21 years as a Special Assistant to the New York Attorney General Letitia James, who campaigned for office to get Trump.
And for three of those years, she worked under Letitia James (2019-2022). Seven hundred attorneys work under James, but still, it is a conflict. The Judge’s daughter changed jobs two years ago. Most people in the real world would see this as a conflict of interest, but not so the leftist influencers.
They are belittling Loomer’s findings as insignificant.
Not so long ago, professionals avoided the appearance of impropriety. If the situation was reversed and a judge for Joe Biden was in tight with the RNC, his wife worked for the prosecutor in the recent past while his daughter was running Trump’s campaign, the leftist howls would echo throughout the media.
It’s not just improper. This case is unlawful. The prosecutors taking a misdemeanor – if it is a misdemeanor – and turning it into a felony. While it is a federal campaign violation case, Democrats in Manhattan will try it. There is no precedent for this.
International media has been blowing my phone up all day.
They cannot believe how an independent journalist is breaking this story and the mainstream media is just sitting by doing nothing.
One of the reporters just asked if they can do a story about how I break these stories.… https://t.co/soPrzWGphG
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) April 2, 2024
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