Judge Schroeder Adjourns After a Scolding


Judge Schroeder has not ruled yet on the mistrial filing and adjourned for the day after hearing the prosecution’s excuses.

The prosecution spent hours trying to explain why they withheld the high-res video evidence in the Rittenhouse case. They are going with the “we made a mistake” defense. The prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence that appears to clear Kyle Rittenhouse. No, correction, it clears Kyle. They gave a long list of excuses. The  Judge warned the prosecution that there would be a day of reckoning over this drone video.

Judge Bruce Schroeder has suggested “competent testimony” needs to be “taken under oath” to explain the “mistake”.

Judge Schroder seemed angrier with the horrid media [who are irresponsible, vile, and opinionated activists who ignore facts much of the time]. They’re riling up the radical masses, and trashing the Judge for no good reason.

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