Kamala Harris: Valley Girl or Drunk or Both?


In her address before the National Association of Black Journalists, Kamala Harris used improper inflections to drone on about elementary school children taking pictures on photo day and telling tall tales about Donald Trump.

“It was school photo day. Do you remember what that’s like? Going to school on picture day? Who are dressed up in their best? Got all ready and knew what they were going to wear the night before? And had to be evacuated! Children!” Harris said.

She is talking about the 33 bomb hoaxes from overseas that Democrats and their media blamed on Trump-Vance. They had to evacuate the schools.

Kamala Harris attacked President Trump and lied about him. She falsely claimed he posted an ad declaring the Central Park Five should be executed. For the zillionth time, he never did, and they weren’t innocent. They admitted to the crime, but got off on a technicality which the Innocence Project is good at doing.

Kamala Harris is a Valley Girl. She has an irritating nasal voice and continually ends declarative statements with a steady use of an upward inflection at the end of a sentence (as if she were asking a question). That’s Valley Girl Speak. Some people think she is just a drunk.

No matter what, it’s unbearable listening to her, especially when she lies nonstop.

If you watched her whole rambling blather, you learned nothing about what she plans to do to us if elected.

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