Kamila Harris draws an itsy bitsy crowd of 15 people in Milwaukee


Kamila Harris, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, went to Milwaukee to meet with the Blake family. She visited a plant and met with a few union workers. The purpose of her visit was to meet the Blake family and their lawyer with their wounded, now-sainted son Jacob joining on the phone.

ABC News mentioned Jacob was shot in front of his three children but forgot to mention he was in the middle of committing a crime and resisting arrest. He was at his ex-girlfriend’s home in violation of a court order. Jacob Blake was brandishing a knife at the time of the shooting which might have been a bad shoot. The investigation is still underway, but Blake is no hero.

Blake is also accused of a disgusting sexual attack on his ex-girlfriend. This is what evil ABC News wrote:

Blake Attorney Ben Crump called the visit “inspirational” and “uplifting” and said Harris discussed policy changes she would seek if she and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden were elected, including the Justice in Policing Act and implicit bias training for law enforcement.

“In a moving moment, Jacob Jr. told Sen. Harris that he was proud of her, and the senator told Jacob that she was also proud of him and how he is working through his pain. Jacob Jr. assured her that he would not give up on life for the sake of his children,” Crump said in a statement following the meeting. “She encouraged them to continue to use their voices even through their pain to help America make progress to end systematic racism.”

Kamila said she is proud of Jacob Blake. She should have met with the woman Jacob Blake is accused of raping.

Harris was greeted by a mob of about 15 people:


Fifteen people cheering loudly.

To be fair, there were a lot more, but nothing to write home about, on the road as she was driven to an event in Wauwatosa:

And here are the more prominent Biden-Harris supporters:

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