Katie Couric Smears Rep. Mace for Not Wanting Men in Women’s Bathrooms


Katie Couric thinks it’s rude, nasty, mean, cruel, and bigoted to not want an activist ideological man in the bathroom with her. She thinks it’s “sh**ty.” First of all, Rep. Mace is a rape victim, and secondly, it’s rude, nasty, mean, cruel, and bigoted for men to go into women’s private spaces and pretend to be women.

Rep. Mace responded:

Rep. Mace doesn’t care. She won the argument in Congress. In Congress, each member has a private bathroom, and there are many unisex bathrooms.

Mace isn’t done. She wants the rule to apply to all federal buildings. It would be much safer for women.

She is getting death threats from men pretending to be women.

Re. Mace wants the bill to go further. All women should. They shouldn’t be beating up women in boxing rings, either.

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