Lefists are mad at ‘Nazis’ for getting woke Scandinavian Airlines’ ad pulled


Some Swedes, Danes, and Norwegians are irate after Scandinavian Airlines put up an online ad claiming, “there’s no such thing as Scandinavian culture.” The ad was pulled but many on the left are angry since it was so “brilliant” and “clever.” The ad is anti-white and anti-Scandinavian.

The bizarro video entitled, “What is truly Scandinavian?” shows a montage of white Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes catatonically reciting: “What is Scandinavian for real? Absolutely nothing. Everything is copied.”

The ad says people think of  “Scandinavian” as Swedish meatballs, open-face sandwiches, and generous parental leave. All of these things were imported from other cultures, not “truly” Scandinavian, the ad further claims.

“We take everything we like on our trips abroad, adjust it a little bit, and it’s a unique ‘Scandinavian’ thing,” the ad states.

They had to pull the ad since Scandinavians aren’t ready yet to become anti-white, anti-Scandinavian, people without an identity.


Some people think you’re a Nazi if you don’t like this woke ad:

Some saw it for what it is:

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