The hits on communist Bernie Sanders keep coming from the Democrat media. Joy Reid is the latest. She brought on a so-called body language expert (fake science) to accuse Bernie of lying. She said his physical posture resembles that of a turtle and that’s how she could tell he was lying.
You can’t make this stuff up.
MSNBC is trying to knock out Bernie while supporting the fake Indian.
Crazy Bernie’s followers are angry and accusing Reid of anti-semitism, among other things. They are also attacking the body language blatherer.
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We only mention this since it’s trending on Twitter, and it’s always interesting to see the left hoisted on its own petard.
These hacks literally said Bernie is sexist for even discussing the relevancy of gender in a campaign in 2016.
Then not 30 fucking seconds later said voters should support Warren because “a candidate’s gender matters.”
— Darknook (@DarkNookShop) January 18, 2020
Glenn Greenwald called it a blankety-blank “disgrace.”
MSNBC is a fucking disgrace. What it allows on its air – this segment of bullshit charlatan body language analysis to prove Bernie is lying mixed with Joy Reid's anti-semitic stereotypes about his pushy use of his hands when speaking – is appalling but typical. The hacker did it.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 18, 2020