Lindsey: Joe’s “as good a man as God ever created”


He {President Biden} is the nicest person I’ve ever met in politics. He is as good a man as God ever created.

~Lindsey Graham


Warmonger Lindsey Graham is pushing for the US to do more for Ukraine even as Russia appears to have control of the entire East. Fox war correspondent Steve Harrigan just returned from Ukraine and said the war is basically over.

Graham doesn’t like it when the war option is taken off the table and even became angry with his good friend, Joe Biden.

“I find it despicable, unacceptable to deny the Ukrainian people the ability to control their own skies. … [Biden is] AWOL. He agreed. On March 6th, the secretary of state said that we would greenlight a transfer of MiGs, Polish MiGs into Ukraine. We were OK with that. A few days later, when Poland asked us to be part of the transfer, we folded like a cheap suit. What I think happened is that the Russians told Biden and his team that if you send these MiGs in, that will be an escalation and they were intimidated by Putin. We can’t let Putin determine who’s in NATO. We can’t let Putin determine what we do to help the Ukraine. So no, I think the president folded like a cheap suit.”

Folding like a cheap suit? That’s an expression from the last century.

And, just to straighten out the record on Poland and MiGs, Poland didn’t ask the US to be part of the transfer of MiGs. They wisely said they wouldn’t do it alone and would bring the planes to Ramstein airbase in Germany. Someone else was going to have to bring them to Ukraine. That’s how it went down.

You can hear him call Biden as “good a man as God ever created” in the second clip.

Watch (if the video doesn’t show up, it can be seen here):

Graham is angry with his good friend, Joe Biden, the nicest person in politics, the good a man as God ever created.

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