Looks Like Racist Leftist Blew Up His House in Arlington


A Virginia man named James Yoo with a history of rambling social media posts and “frivolous” lawsuits has been linked to the Arlington house that exploded Monday night after police arrived to investigate claims that someone inside was shooting flares into the neighborhood.

Public records show James Yoo, 56, lived in a duplex house on the block shown exploding in eyewitness video. Police, however, have not publicly identified a suspect.

A neighbor named Alex Wilson said Yoo was a recluse with aluminum foil on his windows.


He posted rantings against neighbors on social media and anti-white screeds on his LinkedIn page.

It subsequently emerged that Yoo’s LinkedIn social media account was filled with diatribes against the police, the government, and even his own neighbors, who he described as “spies” who were living under assumed names to monitor him and report back to their “handlers.” They had been stalking him since the 1990s, he allegedly said in one post, adding: “This is how White people operate.”

He also wished “holy” “glory” to Ukraine.

Yoo said the “US is the world’s biggest terrorist.”

Under his name, the social media page reads, “James’ YouTube Channel UCCZA8Pe1U5fDqdbqJX_eZTA … ‘U.S. is the world’s biggest TERRORIST’ (N.Chomsky, ~2015) … ‘F*ck tha Police’ (Ice Cube w/ NWA) … #PURGE_THEM … Former Head Global Security w/ CFIUS experience.”

Yoo’s LinkedIn page reads, “#DefundFBI #DefundCIA #DefundNSA PURGE ALL ‘NOC’s! PURGE ALL SPIES! (I) Independent … Happy Birthday America!”

It is not known if Mr. Yoo was in the home when it exploded.

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