Loud calls from the left to [cut their losses &] cancel debates


The corrupt MSM wants to use last night’s crazy debate as an excuse for canceling the next two. They really can’t do that and not risk making their candidate look extremely weak. The campaign said they won’t cancel.

People on social media say the President came off as a bully. But, it’s clear he didn’t want to end up like Paul Ryan after his debate with Joe in 2011. It started out the same way with Joe calling Trump a liar, a clown, telling him to shut up, and later saying he’s not smart.

Why are leftist pundits/media types trying to cancel debates to protect their favored candidate? Could it be that they want to cut their losses?

The Biden campaign says its candidate will continue to debate President Trump, despite the calls from the media for Biden to withdraw from upcoming presidential debates.

“I don’t know how many different ways we can say it,” said Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager on a call Tuesday night. “Yes, we are going to do the debates. I would imagine there will be some additional conversations [with the Commission on Presidential Debates]. But yeah, we are committing to attending the debates.”

President Trump needs the next two debates to clarify those things left in the mud from last night, like COV and tax returns. He also needs to interrupt less. He outdid Joe and gave Wallace fodder for his mill.


Sabato is showing his true colors:

Crazy Leftist Harris-Perry thinks they’re a danger to public safety and a threat to Black life. She is obsessed with race 24/7.

Axios and the Atlantic want debates canceled:

Yes, true, Mika, who are we? Socialists/communists or a liberty-minded people in a Republic?

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