Magnanimous McConnell says let’s give Trump 2 weeks to prepare for trial


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell proposed waiting two weeks to put Donald J. Trump on trial so the former president has two weeks to prepare. Isn’t that big of this traitorous scoundrel?

In our estimation, McConnell really wants the Senate to have time to convince 17 Republicans to vote for impeachment. Currently, nine will vote to impeach.

At this point, let’s form a third party. What’s the difference? Most of the Republicans are worthless. There is talk of President Trump forming a Patriot’s Party, but he is probably not serious.

Speaker Pelosi has delayed sending the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. That’s probably so McConnell can talk senators into voting for impeachment. That’s Sentinel guesswork, but I think I’m right. McConnell is a nasty guy, you know.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and McConnell are expected to discuss trial logistics later Thursday, multiple sources told CNN.

The question of who will represent Trump remains unanswered. He should just ignore it. It was an unAmerican rushed trial with no defense, no due process, and it is not legitimate.

They’re phrasing it as them being magnanimous giving President Trump two weeks to prepare, but it’s really to give themselves two weeks.

Obviously, McConnell wants to go back to business as usual with Trump out of the way. However, that won’t happen. The party will implode.

These politicians are dirtbags.

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