Marine Le Pen Pulls Slightly Ahead of WEF-Tied Macron


Populist candidate Marine Le Pen has pulled slightly ahead of President Emanuel Macron in the race for the presidency, according to an Atlas poll.

Macron is a rabid supporter of The Great Reset and an ally of dictator Justin Trudeau of Canada.

At the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) virtual Davos Agenda summit in January, French President Emmanuel Macron decreed that the Chinese coronavirus proves modern capitalism “can no longer work”.

During the Q&A with Klaus Schwab, Macron said capitalism furthers inequality:

“We will get out of this pandemic only with an economy that thinks more about fighting inequalities,” Macron said.

“The capitalist model together with this open economy can no longer work in this environment,” he added.

The French president pronounced that capitalism has resulted in a “deep moral and economic crisis” in which “hundreds and thousands of people throughout the world had this feeling of losing their usefulness.”

Macron added that there were “two kings in this system—shareholders and consumers,” and that capitalism has failed to support laborers and has been detrimental to the environment.

He’s wrong. It’s actually crony capitalism and the communistic globalist policies that are creating the problems.

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