Baltimore Mayor Jack Young urged residents to put down their guns and heed orders to stay home after seven people were shot Tuesday night amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
We’re not going to tolerate it,” Baltimore mayor Jack Young declared after a night of violence put seven more people into hospitals. He called it “unacceptable” and threatened retribution.
There won’t be retribution, however, and everyone knows that.
Baltimore has five positive coronavirus cases as of Wednesday.
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“I want to reiterate how completely unacceptable the level of violence is that we have seen recently,” Young said. “We will not stand for mass shootings and an increase in crime.”
“For those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people of this city, we’re not going to tolerate it,” Young implored. “We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you.”
The truth is they “won’t come after you,” and everyone knows it, including the criminals.
“We cannot clog up our hospitals and their beds with people that are being shot senselessly because we’re going to need those beds for people infected with the coronavirus. And it could be your mother, your grandmother or one of your relatives. So take that into consideration.”
So, what do you think? Convincing? Or, would it be better to do a more effective job of enforcing the law in Baltimore by having the policemen’s backs?
Since Freddie Gray, when several innocent police officers were persecuted and prosecuted by the same woman who still runs the DAs office, the police won’t police the way they were. The criminals know it.
They are afraid to arrest anyone for fear it will ruin their careers or they will end up in prison. That is a reasonable expectation. The pro-criminal administration has made that obvious. It’s the Ferguson Effect, the Gray Effect, and even the Pantaleo Effect in New York.
After Freddie Gray, Baltimore reformed in favor of the criminals:
In the wake of Freddie Gray’s 2015 death while in Baltimore police custody, the city installed a series of reforms — such as the consent decree — aimed at giving more transparency for the department and how they treat suspects. But the intended consequence of the measures is that many police feel they cannot enforce the law and that elected leaders simply look for any excuse they can to throw officers under the bus if it helps them politically. New evidence shows this is making the city more dangerous.
In 2017, Baltimore started the consent decree. Its goal was “to have a stronger police department that fights crime while it serves and protects the civil and constitutional rights of Baltimore City residents.”
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