Mayor Johnson Says Gov. Abbott’s Attacking the Country


Mayor Brandon Johnson, who supports open borders and runs a sanctuary city, wants Texas to keep the illegal crossers piling in. Somehow, he didn’t realize that sanctuary cities are supposed to keep them in their cities and take care of them. Poor dear mustn’t have understood. He thought only red states, non-sanctuary cities have to give sanctuary.

“The issue is not just how we respond in the city of Chicago,” Brandon Johnson said. “It’s the fact that we have a governor, a governor, an elected official in the state of Texas that is placing families on buses, without shoes, cold, wet, tired, hungry, afraid, traumatized, and then they come to the city of Chicago where we have homelessness. We have mental health clinics that have been shut down and closed. You have people who are seeking employment. The governor of Texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos that he is causing for this country. This is not just a Chicago dynamic; he is attacking our country.”

Yeah, so, Brandon, that would be Joe Biden and his handlers, not Gov. Abbott. Gov. Abbott isn’t a sanctuary city, and Chicago is. He’s sending them to the city where they can get those shoes, and food, and five-star hotels.

Does anyone remember all the trouble Sheriff Arpaio got in with Barack Obama’s DOJ and his wingman Eric Holder? He put the illegal crossers, many of them criminals, in tents and then got them deported. The left’s outcry then was how cruel he was to put them in tents in sunny Arizona.

Well, now, in Chicago and New York, they end up taking housing from the poor and homeless Americans, or they are on the street. Mayor Eric Adams’ latest brilliant move was to put them in a mudhole at Floyd Bennet Field. They get rained out, but Adams assures us the tents are secure. Adams says all’s well.

Illegal crossers deserve it, but it is a rained-out mudhole most of the time.

The mudhole isn’t the answer, but the answer is staring her in the face – deport them!!!

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