McConnell’s open to new spending bill with $$$ for all but wants something Dems won’t do


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he is “open” to considering additional funds for state and local governments in the next coronavirus relief bill as the chamber returns to session during the pandemic.

He was bashed to hell for saying he wasn’t going to give blue states money to cover their reckless spending and years-long deficits.

While he could have said it better, he isn’t wrong. However, he now says there will be a new spending bill [in lieu of opening governments].

Does anyone wonder how we will pay for this? Instead of spending money we do not have, how about opening the government?

Pelosi said the federal aid could come in separate installments for state, local, and municipal governments as reimbursement of costs of handling the health crisis as the economy shuts down.

Why is the nearly bankrupt federal government supposed to pay for all these government expenses? It’s impossible. We certainly shouldn’t pay for more than some virus-related costs.

Over 3.8 million people applied for unemployment last week, bringing the total numbers to just under 30 million. OPEN THE GOVERNMENT! The virus is bad but not anywhere near as bad as we were told. If we knew the truth at the time, we would never have shut down the entire country. One size fits all is a disaster.


McConnell insisted the next package must also include federal liability protections from what he warned will be an “avalanche” of lawsuits against businesses that reopen during the pandemic.

“There’s no question all governors, regardless of party, would like to have more money, I’m open to discussing that,” McConnell said on Fox News Radio.

That is a good idea but the greedy, unethical lawyers, supported by Democrats, won’t like that.


Democrats also won’t allow congress to return to DC so they can hammer out these details.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, a state home to many federal workers, said by asking people to return to the Capitol “without effective safeguards in place, Mitch McConnell is endangering the lives of the staff who work there.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., urged McConnell to reconsider, saying there is “no way” to bring 100 senators plus staff to the Capitol complex without “increased risk.”

Feinstein said, “This is the wrong example for the country.”

Uh, no, not coming to work is the wrong example.

They won’t use social distancing and do their jobs. Congress came to work during World War II.

As Congress reaches for the next package, McConnell said his liability proposal must be included. He said he’s trying to prevent a “second pandemic — which is going to be lawsuits against doctors, nurses, hospitals and brave business people opening up.”

No doubt.

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