McKinnon Has a Plan to Install Newsom as President


The Hill opinion contributor Douglas McKinnon, a former White House official, has a plan to install far-far-left Gov. Gavin Newsom in the White House as president without anyone casting a vote.

He believes hatred of Trump drove the Democrats to partial victories on Tuesday and will continue to do so as long as Trump is in the picture. It’s enough to drive Republicans to the polls to vote against Donald Trump. He doesn’t think Trump will run, leaving De Santis who he thinks would win against Biden-Harris.

McKinnon wants to install Gavin Newsom as President without anyone casting a vote.

McKinnon says Biden-Harris are a drag on the ticket.

Since the country is still divided, he sees the answer in the man who was re-elected easily. That’s Gavin Newsom.

“That reality speaks to the need for a proven vote-getter with lots of money and a logistical machine behind him. In Politics 101, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) meets — maybe even exceeds — those qualifications.

“Newsom won reelection easily and now has the luxury of turning his ambitious eyes completely toward the White House.”

McKinnon then wondered if they should replace Kamala and put Newsom in as VP, but he had an even better idea.

He decided Democrats should appoint Newsom as Vice President and then Biden should resign. Newsom would automatically become president without a single vote needed.

Rush used to say that eventually, Democrats will get rid of elections, and here we have this former Bush speech writer suggesting exactly that.

He concluded:

Republicans can write off Newsom all they want as the politician who “ruined” California. The fact is, he is a proven vote-getter and has a formidable Democratic machine behind him. More than that, he has demonstrated that he is no political wallflower and seemingly has no intention of “waiting his turn.”

Might the Democrats leapfrog him into the Oval Office before 2024? It would be political malpractice for them not to consider the option.

Democrats might love this idea. If they want to divide the country irreparably, this is probably the way to do it. It’s wholly unAmerican. Of all the bad ideas in the past few years, this is one of the worst.

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