Media Ignores Trial of Serial Killer Immigrant from Kenya


The first trial of Billy Chemirmir, an immigrant from Kenya, has begun. He killed at least 18 white elderly people.

He posed as a maintenance man or medical professional to get into victim’s homes. After he killed the victims, he stole their jewelry.

At least 6 other victims were likely his victims.

His first trial began yesterday and it is for the murder of Lu Thi Harris, 81. Harris was smothered to death in her North Dallas home.

The key witnesses are two victims who survived attacks. One of these witnesses has since passed away, but her videotaped testimony was played in court yesterday.

While the national media is fixated on several trials right now, the prosecution of Chemirmir is not among them.

Only local media are covering this trial.


According to a 2016 Radford University study, just 51.7 percent of all serial killers in America since 1900 have been white. Roughly 40 percent were black. The numbers have become more lopsided in recent decades. In the first half of this decade, 60 percent of serial killers were black, while only 30 percent were white. Blacks have been the outright majority of serial killers since 1990, American Renaissance reports.

Whites have never been overrepresented among serial killers. The decade with the highest percentage of white serial killers was in the 1920s: Whites were 78 percent of mass murderers even when they were 90 percent of the population. The 1920s also saw blacks account for the lowest percentage of serial killers at 18 percent. At that time they were about 10 percent of the population.

America had the largest number of serial killers in the decade of the 1980s. Whites were 83 percent of the population, yet were only 53 percent of mass murderers. Blacks were just 11 percent of the population, but were nearly 37 percent of serial killers.

Over 67 percent of the victims of serial killers have been white, and 37 percent have been white women. Blacks are disproportionately overrepresented at 24 percent of victims.

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