The media is working very hard to get Harris-Walz into the White House after 12 years out of 16 of failed Democrat leadership. The ship’s going down, and the Democrat orchestra is playing a waltz, as they watch the water level rise.
The Biden-Harris administration’s horrific withdrawal from Afghanistan was solely the responsibility of Joe Biden and the last person in the room, Kamala Harris. Of that, there is no doubt.
Biden acted against the recommendations of his generals, and as the Taliban charged across town after town, heading for Kabul, leaving destruction in their wake, Biden vacationed, and Kamala did nothing.
Worse yet, they knew the bomber was wandering around in the crowds. Amid the chaos caused by Biden-Harris’s non-existent plan, no one did a thing to avert the tragedy. Let’s not forget that hundreds of Afghans also died. Afterward, the Democrats and Democrat media claimed it was an “orderly” withdrawal. So orderly that they left all the equipment and abandoned bases, especially Bagram, which was our only eyes and ears on the ground in that area of the world.
However, they want to spread out the blame, something Democrat media is very good at doing. NPR claims a “lot of mistakes made during four administrations” and cited anonymous sources.
That implicates Donald Trump.
The entire lapdog media is blaming Donald Trump for something that is 100% Biden-Harris responsibility. They are running with it today, and they dug up the usual lefties or Trump haters to confirm with circular reporting.
Not only are they trying to blame Donald Trump for their economy, open borders, and the Afghanistan disaster, but “Democrats see [an] opening to attack Trump on [the] military after Arlington [so-called] altercation.”
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They lost points when Donald Trump honored the 13 lost soldiers of Abbey Gate, so they were able to manufacture a crisis out of it. While no other president cared enough to show up, Donald Trump did, at the parents’ request. One parent said they asked him to film it so they would have it in remembrance of their loved ones.
Democrats and far-left groups, including Vote Vets, complained that it was very disrespectful and no one in that area of recent burials is allowed to film. The Trump campaign said they had permission, but some woman who works at Arlington had a mental crisis and tried to stop them. A Gold Star parent called Rep. McCaul who called Speaker Johnson, who got the former President into Arlington. No one seems to notice that no other President would ever be treated like that.
The Biden-Harris Pentagon stuck up for the excited employee.
They were trying to keep a President out of Arlington. Now, they are trying to say his campaign committed crimes.
The best was a Politico article portraying the vapid interview with Kamala and Tim as gaffe-free, vigorous, and a “new way forward” from Donald Trump. Meanwhile, she’s the old way forward with Beachboy Joe, who has been sitting it out in Rehoboth for three weeks.
Gaffe-free is the new standard Democrat candidates must meet.
Politico, probably counting on most people not actually having watched the Harris interview, praised Harris and made her every word sound golden. Harris said nothing during that interview, and no one learned a thing.
They claimed it was a “testy” interview with a very gentle Dana Bash, and Harris gave “a vigorous defense of her record,” hinting at “expansive ambitions if elected in November.” She basically said nothing, and no one learned a thing – hinting is a good word, but even that is exaggerated.
The truth will set you free, but you won’t find it in the “mainstream” media.