On Friday, a spokesperson for the couple confirmed with the media that the couple will abide by the Queen’s demands and hereby refrain from profiting off the words “Sussex Royal” or “Royal” now that they’ve dumped the Royal Family.
The Sussexes already spent a lot of money trademarking, Sussex Royal, and setting up sale items and a foundation with their logo and tag, ‘Sussex Royal.’
“Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had spent thousands of dollars to secure the trademarked rights to the Sussex Royal tag,” CCN Markets reported earlier this week. “There was a website launched with the name last month. … Plans for the Sussex Royal brand had been well underway.”
The Queen banned them from using the word, ‘royal.’ “They simply cannot sell themselves as Royals,” now that they have ditched the Royal Family, The Daily Mail reports.
The couple said they would abide by the Queen’s directive, but then they posted on their blog — Sussex Royal — a rather snide response.
“While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word ‘Royal’ overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use ‘Sussex Royal’ or any iteration of the word ‘Royal’ in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020,” they wrote.
It seems the once-royal couple is burning their bridges, one obnoxious response at a time.
They are clearly annoyed and under pressure, but what did they expect? The couple want to commercialize the Sussex Royal branding and the Palace thinks that cheapens their image. Meghan and Harry did also gave up serving as Royals.
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As one Twitter user wrote:
The UK Government has strict rules as to who can use the term “royal.” When the couple gave up their senior royal duties (and hence their HRH titles), they were no longer entitled to their trademark request re “Sussex Royal” so they withdrew documents.
The UK Government controls the term “Royal” because the UK Government is inextricably tied to the Crown. Naturally, every Tom Dick and … Henry can’t be calling themselves or their company “Royal” since it may reflect poorly on actual royals which could poorly reflect on the UK.
As of March, ‘Royal,’ will be gone from all the Sussex’s personal, commercial, and philanthropic activities. Perhaps Harry has lost his family in the offing. She ditched hers and we are possibly seeing a pattern here.