MI AG Dana Nessel: “A Drag Queen for Every School”


Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said Wednesday that “drag queens make everything better”. And there should be “a drag queen for every school” during an event in Lansing, Fox News reports.

Nothing against drag queens for adults, but someone needs to explain how exhibitionists dressing in women’s clothing and sexualizing their performances would make things better for impressionable children.


Nessel, who was the first openly gay person elected to statewide office in Michigan, made the comments during a civil rights event.

“Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun,” Nessel said, according to Craig Mauger who covers government and politics for Detroit News.

“She acknowledged the “drag queen for every school” line had not been poll-tested,” Mauger added.

Nessel got hit with some negative comments and then claimed she was only joking. Since drag queens are showing up at story times, school events, in library books, and in the school curriculum, we have to take Nessel somewhat seriously.

Whatever the case, she is encouraging something that is damaging to children. It’s child abuse.

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