Millionaire Reporter Says “Calm Down and Back Off” on Inflation


Washington Post finance columnist Michelle Singletary wants Americans to know that despite record-high gasoline and food prices, things aren’t really as bad as they might think.

Michelle Singletary

While appearing on MSNBC yesterday, she said that people need to stop complaining and realize there are plenty of people who are doing very well.

“Calm down and back off,” says Michelle.

According to her, half of America is just fine, and they should help others.

If you can bear listening to her, it’s quite an education in what the ill-informed think they know.

“You got to stop complaining when there’s so many people who literally the inflation rate means they may only have two meals instead of three,” Michelle Singletary, a personal finance columnist for the Post, said during “Chris Jansing Reports.” “There are Americans who did extremely well in the last two years in the market.”

“You still have your job,” Singletary said. “And yeah, it’s costing you more for gas, but guess what, you’re still going to take that holiday, that Fourth of July vacation, you could eat out.”…

“Stop looking at your portfolio,” Singletary said. “And you know what you can do with all that energy? Help other people, help put some food on the table of somebody else’s house because you have extra.”

Yeah, right, Michelle. We know you mean well, but your president, Joe is destroying peoples’ retirement and lives. His bad policies are destroying the country and especially the economy and it’s not because of the pandemic as she thinks.

Oh, by the way, Miss Singletary is worth $1.92 million according to

All we have to say to Michelle here is STHU!

If you’re the kind of person who feels a lot better when you know someone else has it worse than you, Energy Secretary Granholm’s info will suit you just fine:

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