Millions of Ineligible Voters Can Vote Federally by Checking a Box


Sentinel posted an article about how insecure our elections are. Over the years, lawsuits have weakened the requirements. The one point I made about registration to vote for federal elections needs more exposure. You can register to vote federally merely by filling out a form.

The registration is based on the honor system. Several years ago, Donald Trump tried to draw attention to it and was falsely discredited by fact-checkers, including PolitiFact, because of his wording.

This is what you have to do to register. You go online, and you choose your language out of a list of 21 languages. In other words, you don’t have to speak English to vote.

In New York, under absentee voting, they no longer list any requirements, such as you can only mail in your vote if you’re sick or handicapped. Mail-in voting is very insecure and generally can be done without a voter ID.

Much has been made about Voter ID, and it is important, but if you can register without proof of citizenship – and you can – what good is it?

You can find the form at USA.Gov Register to Vote. You don’t need proof of anything to download it. As we discovered in the 2013 Arizona lawsuit, voters must use the federal form, which does not require proof of US citizenship. States are not allowed to require proof when they accept a federal voter registration form, which would certainly make things easier.

The form requires your name, home address, mailing address, date of birth, telephone number, and ID number that can include a driver’s license, even if you’re in a motor voter state, your choice of party, your race, and your signature. That’s it.


Where PolitiFact caught Trump is in the phrasing. He said in a December 2, 2020 speech, “No state in the country verifies United States citizenship as a condition for voting in federal elections.”

Politifact explained that you have to sign a form under a penalty of perjury that you are a citizen and eligible to vote. As I said, that’s an honor system, and many people coming in illegally have fake names.

According to Politifact, cases of non-citizens voting are statistically rare, but do they check? They added that states can check various databases to verify citizenship status.

Some states do check those lists, but they’re not kept up, and they’re not very good.

The better approach would be for the federal government to demand proof of citizenship, a birth certificate, naturalization papers, or something similar.

Donald Trump said this is a “national disgrace.” Politifact didn’t appreciate it and said his speech overflowed with false voter fraud information. They did admit in this case, that he “has a point that the federal form that registered someone to vote doesn’t require documentation to show proof of citizenship. But Trump left out the efforts by many states to cross-check with available lists.” Notice they said “many.” States don’t have staff to do it.

While Donald Trump should have chosen his words more carefully, he was mostly correct, but Politifact said his comments were mostly false.

Voter Fraud Ahead

Arizona tried to demand proof of citizenship for the federal form and was struck down by Eric Holder-Barack Obama’s DOJ. It was a red state then. New immigrants helped transform it into a blue state. Are they here illegally?

Does anyone think for a minute that people who come here illegally won’t also vote illegally?

In January, 2023, “as the House Transportation Committee heard HF 4, which would provide driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, this testifier told members: “We are voting. Our people are voting. If you don’t pass this bill, people are going to vote you all out.”

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