Minnesota-Somali Legislator Who Allegedly Married Her Brother Takes Oath on Giant Quran


Sworn In on a Giant Quran

Minnesota-Somali Muslim Legislator, Ilhan Omar was elected to be a State Representative for a district that includes “Little Mogadishu” November 8, 2016. She took her oath on a giant Quran.

About the Quran, she said, this country we live in stands for freedom of religion. However, Islam is also a political system, and therein lies the problem.

Her acceptance speech was in her native language. How do other Minnesotans know what she is saying?

Omar is a refugee who came to the U.S. when she was 12 years old.

Immigration Fraud Accusations

Furthermore, Omar possibly committed immigration fraud.

Powerline blog documented potential immigration fraud. She lives with number one husband and their three children, according to Powerline, but is reportedly married to her brother who she is divorcing. It is said that it was part of a marriage immigration fraud arrangement but she refuses to adequately answer questions about it.

Ilhan Omar built a vast coalition of East African voters to defeat the incumbent in Minneapolis.

The Media Ignores It

In addition, the leftist media never mentions Ilhan’s possible immigration fraud.

Power Line reported last August:

A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.

In addition, Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012.

Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”

Muslims Need a Win?

As a side note, Asad Zaman, the Executive Director for Muslim American Society of Minnesota, a sketchy organization at best, said, “The Muslim community needs a win. The ethos of America that can embrace a Somali American, Hijab clad woman as their representative…I think that says something amazing about America.”

A real win would be them coming out to protest jihad by other members of Islam.

The Quran is as political as it is religious and its principles, tied to Sharia, are in complete violation of US law and the constitution in particular.

This is what Democrats stand for now.

There is an update on the link.

Minnesota Legislator Might Have Married Her Brother While Married, Continued…

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