MSNBC: Cheney-Abrams for 2024 & Universal Voting – “Exciting”


MSNBC panelists are getting dumber despite the odds against it being possible. MSNBC contributor and Voto Latino CEO Maria Teresa Kumar said out loud that a “good ticket” for the 2024 presidential election could be to pair up Liz Cheney and Stacey Abrams and actually start talking about universal voting and election reform?”

“I could see them doing kinda a czar thing with the administration that’s completely bipartisan,” she continued. “That would be exciting.”

Kumar also insisted there is “definitely an appetite for this kind of movement.”

Who in the world would have an appetite for those two except Kumar?

She also thought failed candidate Tim Ryan could run for president in 2024.

Kumar wants universal voting where every citizen is forced to vote. Of bad ideas, that has to be among the top ten. Mandated to exercise one’s rights? Sounds like a conflict. The next step is to mandate who you vote for in each race.

She thinks there is “definitely an appetite” for these types of changes to our system of voting and it would be “completely bipartisan.” Let me guess, Cheney would be in charge of that too? It’s a good path to destroying our country.


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