Mueller’s Team Says Mueller Thinks Trump Is the Manchurian Candidate


Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg made news Monday by announcing he would refuse to answer the Mueller subpoena. Mueller subpoenaed all communications — meaning emails, texts, handwritten notes, etc. pertaining to a witness, including Nunberg.

Nunberg called the Mueller investigation a “witch hunt” and any suggestion of Russia-Trump collusion is “the biggest joke”.

Nunberg said he spoke with Mueller’s team and they say Mueller thinks Trump is the “Manchurian Candidate”.


That is probably what Robert Mueller thinks since he is pursuing the case as if he believed Trump is a Russian operative.

That’s ironic since millions of people think Barack Obama is the Manchurian Candidate and Mueller is his henchman.


Nunberg also thinks Mueller may have something on Trump. “I think they may. I think that he [Trump] may have done something during the election. But I don’t know that for sure.”. When Katy Tur asked what evidence he had, he explained he didn’t have any.

He made comments about Trump knowing about the Trump Tower meeting, a meeting which should be a no-never-mind.

Later, he told Jake Tapper that Carter Page “colluded with the Russians” and is a “scumbag” who was totally uninvolved with the campaign. “He was a name on a list,” he said.

We say follow the money! How many millions did we have going to Hillary Clinton and her Foundation?

One analogy I heard is that this situation is like the firefighters who run into Trump’s home because they think there is a lighted candle inside while Hillary’s house next door is ablaze.

We must add that Nunberg might have been drunk.

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