Multiple Anonymous Whistleblowers Come Forward In Ukraine Phone Call


According to NBC News and several outlets, there are now multiple anonymous whistleblowers in the case of the Trump-Ukraine phone call. It sounds like John Brennan called out his troops.

A second whistleblower has come forward with “more direct” information about President Donald Trump’s call with the president of Ukraine, according to attorneys representing that whistleblower. What does “more direct” mean?

She/he has first-hand knowledge of some of the allegations outlined in the original complaint.

“I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General,” attorney Andrew Bakaj told NBC News.

Mark Zaid, who also represents the first whistleblower as does Bakaj, confirmed in an interview with ABC’s “This Week” that the second official, also from the U.S. intelligence community, has been interviewed by the inspector general.

They also made a protected disclosure under the law and cannot be retaliated against. This whistleblower has first-hand knowledge, Zaid said in a tweet.

Zaid also tweeted, “Reality is identity of #whistleblower is irrelevant. What’s important is whether substantive allegations are verified or not. Seems more they are more focus is shifted back to WBer by partisans. That’s deliberate distraction. Don’t fall for it.

Is he kidding? These leftists are turning our Republic on its head to destroy the President and Republicans.

The President will never get to confront any of these accusers and they remain anonymous?

Currently, there is a media war against the President, especially on social media. Zaid is tweeting insanely.


Reuters reported, the existence of the second whistleblower followed stirrings of discontent within Trump’s own Republican Party after he called on China on Friday to investigate Biden’s son, who had business dealings in China.

Republican U.S. Senators Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Lindsey Graham, and Susan Collins all have expressed concerns about Trump reaching out to foreign countries to help him in his 2020 re-election bid, Reuters said.

Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley want the whistleblower’s anonymity preserved.

Do these Republicans realize there won’t be a Republican Party if they abandon the President?

Romney is allegedly behind a movement to have the President impeached. He is rumored to have told Nancy Pelosi he can deliver the votes in the Senate. Sasse hates Trump and Collins is up for re-election in a now-deep blue state.

Romney and Reid have become chums. Having once hated Romney, Reid now loves the guy.

“I think he’s one of the best things come out of Utah in a long time,” Reid said of Romney. “I think that he’s a good person.”

Reid is reaching out to other establishment Republicans so they can all plot together.

As Governor Huckabee says, Romney would rather have any of these hard-left candidates than the President.


NBC went through the Trump-Ukraine ‘scandal’ and forgot to mention the Ukraine President didn’t feel pressured and that the transcript showed the President did not pressure Ukraine on the call. The ‘news’ outlet forgot to mention the lies of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi about the call.

They also failed to mention the fact that the first whistleblower had no first-hand information and met with Adam Schiff a month before he filed a complaint. They also neglected to state that the process and form were changed by DNI to allow for reports of gossip.

The Trump-hating news outlet referenced the cherry-picked text messages and misinformed their readers about them.

Also, many of the people involved, like Adam Schiff, and the Ukrainians, have deep ties or are funded by George Soros’s Open Society or an affiliate.

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