Nation’s worst governor says employers must hire illegals, it’s their civil right


The country’s worst governor, Illinois’s far-left J.B. Pritzker (D) signed legislation that makes it a civil rights violation for an employer to not hire an illegal alien who has secured a work permit from the federal government.

This includes most of the people coming in illegally now and it will encourage further illegal immigration. Our borders are wide open and we no longer have borders. We are no longer a country.

As illegals pour in to replace the American citizen at the polling booth one day soon, Pritzker, who many believe bought his seat with his wealth, is now demanding they take American jobs as well.

They will work for lower wages until they get smart, but it will pull down the wages of Americans.

This week, Pritzker signed into law HB 121, which will classify not hiring illegal aliens with work permits for Illinois jobs as a civil rights violation.

What about American citizens’ civil rights?

The law is specifically designed to prevent employers from not hiring illegal aliens who are enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) but also will encompass border crossers who are released into the United States interior and able to secure work permits via the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Pritzker said, “Throughout my governorship, I’ve directed my administration to adopt policies that make Illinois a welcoming state for immigrants, and I’m proud to sign these accountability measures into law to advance our cause.”

They’re not immigrants. They’re illegal aliens who Democrats see as lifelong Democrat voters.

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