NBC reporter tries to trap the President with a gotcha question, big mistake

Sadly, the Washington Post and the NY Times are doing very well on subscriptions, and NBC ‘News’ is flourishing. That’s unfortunate news since they spread disinformation and blatant lies about anyone they disagree with — especially the GOP and the President.

One of the many things they like to do is trap the President with gotcha questions. That’s what NBC’s Peter Alexander tried to do to the President today by asking him what he’s learned from impeachment.

Alexander noted that Republicans like Lisa Murkowski said the President should not have asked the Ukraine president to investigate Biden. He wanted the President to admit he did something wrong. As usual, the President was one step ahead of him. What the President learned isn’t what Alexander wanted to hear. He said he learned that the Democrats are crooked:

“That the Democrats are crooked. They’ve got a lot of crooked things going. That they’re vicious. That they shouldn’t have brought impeachment. And that my poll numbers are 10 points higher because of fake news like NBC, which reports the news very inaccurately – probably more inaccurately than CNN if that’s possible. MSDNC…and if you take a look at NBC I think they’re among the most dishonest reporters of the news.”


The President and Alexander have longstanding issues with each other over Alexander’s activism. In August, he slammed the guy, and it was well-deserved.

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