NC Supreme Court Restores Voter ID Laws


On Friday, the N.C. Supreme Court restored the state’s voter ID law, took state courts out of partisan gerrymandering disputes, and ended voting for felons who have not completed their sentences.

Each ruling split the court, 5-2. Republican justices supported the majority decisions. Democrats dissented.

The rulings will affect North Carolina’s upcoming elections, including the next set of congressional and legislative election maps.

Rev. Al Sharpton worked very hard to get rid of voter security.

In 2014, after the restrictive Voting Rights Act was loosened up, Republicans passed HB 589, requiring voter ID.

As part of the changes to the Voting Rights Act, the Supreme Court ditched the provision requiring nine entire states and parts of six others, including North Carolina, to seek approval from the federal government or “pre-clear” any changes they made to voting arrangements.

The irony is Jim Crow laws were passed at the hands of the Democrat dixiecrats.

Radical left-wing civil rights groups claimed thousands of poor black people couldn’t vote. People screamed Jim Crow and published photos of blacks in the 1950s at white-only restaurants.

“This is the worst voter suppression law we have seen since the days of Jim Crow. It is a full-on assault on the voting rights of minorities,” said Reverend William Barber, president of the North Carolina state conference of the NAACP.

In 2016, an Appeals Court struck down the North Carolina voter ID law. Rev. Al, who had been campaigning against voter IDs, lauded the decision.

The state’s requirement was for voters to show identification before casting ballots. They also wanted to eliminate early voting.

“We at National Action Network have long said that the Voter ID laws adopted by many states are an insidious effort to roll back hard-won voting rights and today’s decision is a step in the right direction towards allowing a more just election process,” Rev. Sharpton said.

Al’s a criminal who escaped prison.

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