Oregon Democrats have put forth a bill that would allow homeless people to sue residents for “harassment,” reports The Washington Examiner.
House Bill 3501, also known as the Right to Rest Act, would allow aggrieved parties to sue for $1,000 for each incident of harassment. It would also decriminalize homeless camps. The homeless can even take over any private vehicle on public property or they can live on residential streets!
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This comes as the homeless population grows and as they grow more dangerous.
The law states: Many persons in Oregon have experienced homelessness as a result of economic hardship, a shortage of safe and affordable housing, the inability to obtain gainful employment, and a disintegrating social safety net system.
That’s not true. They’re almost all drug addicts or Antifa or both.
The bill will allow them “free movement in public spaces.” That would mean parks, school grounds, the courthouse, highways, residential streets and sidewalks, and so on. They can eat and poop in public spaces and worship wherever they want.
If a vehicle is parked on public property, they can take refuge in it.
You see where Democrats are going, don’t you?