New, Very Serious Allegations of Plagiarism Against Harris


Based on an analysis by the Washington Free Beacon, Kamala Harris is accused of lifting text “verbatim” from a former colleague for use in written congressional testimony she gave in 2007. That’s the kind of plagiarism that derailed Joe Biden’s presidential in 1987, and it could derail hers.

She was recently accused of lying about working at McDonald’s while in college. Harris also lied about her family’s wealth to get into a special program in law school. She was previously accused of copying ‘word-for-word’ several blocks of text in her book ‘Smart on Crime,’ published in 2009.

She also lies constantly in her political rallies and interviews. Her running mate is a congenital liar. What a team.

The latest plagiarism allegations arise from testimony Harris gave as a senator in support of the John R. Justice Prosecutors and Defenders Incentive Act of 2007.

It was a bill that would help pay student loans for state and federal prosecutors to keep talented lawyers in the profession.

Her testimony reflected nearly verbatim text sent by District Attorney Paul Logli of Winnebago County, Illinois, a Republican, supporting the bill.

Of the 1,500 words in the testimony, 80 percent were exactly the same as Logli’s submission.

Perhaps Harris has nothing going on in her mind, and she has to hijack other’s ideas.

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