No Convictions of 4 in Whitmer Kidnapping


A fed­eral jury found two men not guilty in the trial of four men ac­cused of con­spir­ing to kid­nap Mi­chigan Gov. Gretchen Whit­mer and dead­locked on all counts against two other men, leav­ing pros­e­cu­tors with no con­vic­tions fol­low­ing a col­or­ful trial.

The FBI operatives literally planned, funded, executed, got the supplies, and drove them to the kidnapping. The conspiracy to kidnap was really the FBI’s idea.

Maybe the agents and informants should be charged with kidnapping.

Adam Fox, Daniel Har­ris and Bran­don Caserta, all of Mi­chigan; and Barry Croft, of Del­aware, were al­legedly as­so­ci­ated with a mili­tia group called the Wolver-ine Watch­men, which pros­e­cutors claimed con­ducted com­bat train­ing and for­mu­lated plans with the goal of kid­nap­ping Ms. Whit­mer. The men were an­gry with the De­mo­c­ra­tic gov­er­nor’s poli­cies to fight the Covid-19 pan­demic, ac­cord­ing to the com­plaint.

At var­i­ous times, the group had dis­cussed dif­fer­ent plans for Ms. Whit­mer af­ter kid­nap­ping her, ac­cord­ing to pros­e­cu­tors. They had dis­cussed shoot­ing her when she opened the door of her home, try­ing her for trea­son and ex­e­cut­ing her or putting her in a boat and aban­don­ing her in Lake Mi­chigan, pros­e­cu­tors said.

The jury deliberated for five days.

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