No More Gender Conforming Uniforms for Alaska Air


Due to a gender discrimination lawsuit, Alaska Airlines can’t have gendered uniforms. A gender discrimination lawsuit is eliminating gender and affecting the majority without the majority having any say. Unsurprisingly, the far-left ACLU was behind the lawsuit.

Washington State Flight attendant Justin Wetherell, who says he’s gender fluid and uses they/them pronouns, sued, and now Alaska Airlines must abolish gender conformance rules on flight attendant uniforms.

Alaska Airlines required attendants to choose either a male or female uniform. He wanted an exception because of his chosen identity, and Alaska refused.

Wetherall is “incredibly relieved and happy” now that the case if over.

The ‘misgendering’ upset Justin.

“When Justin works a shift as a flight attendant and must adhere to the uniform policy, Justin faces constant misgendering. They feel their gender identity and expression aren’t valued or accepted, and as a result, feel forced to present as “male” at work. The struggle Justin feels to be accepted while working as a flight attendant has exacerbated their anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

“Justin often faces panic attacks leading up to a scheduled shift as a flight attendant, which has resulted in them trading out of a shift or calling out sick on multiple occasions.”

Alaska Airlines responded by releasing a statement expressing support for the LGBTQ+ community. They listed all the diversity initiatives it had taken in recent months. Despite the apology, the ACLU or Justin filed a lawsuit against the airline under the Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD).

Alaska Airlines says they are now “proud of the uniform and grooming policies.”

The Left knows that financial pressure and bad press force people to go along with the craziest demands.

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