The vaccines are too narrow in scope and were destined to fail in the long term. We are seeing more breakthroughs than otherwise and unprecedented outbreaks in Sweden, the UK, and other nations.
There is no reason to discriminate against the unvaccinated because both groups can spread it and contract it.
“Fully vaccinated” people accounted for the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths in Sweden and the U.K. last month, government data has revealed, amid a rise in breakthrough cases and deaths in other Western countries.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden reported earlier this month that 70 percent of COVID-19 deaths between September 1-24 occurred in the “fully vaccinated,” according to Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Sweden recorded around 130 fatal COVID cases during that timeframe.
“It is still mainly about the elderly, but vaccine experts still see a tendency towards declining vaccine protection in Sweden,” Svenska Dagbladet said.
Many countries are putting a moratorium on the vaccines for people under certain ages and with certain illnesses because of the heart issues turning up, Dr. Victory of Victory Health reports.
As for the mix-and-match boosters, we don’t have long-term studies. We shouldn’t be approving it. We don’t have near enough research to make that decision, says Dr. Victory.
Pfizer claims the vaccines are safe for children, but we have little data. The CDC won’t release the data they ahve. This is the most concerning thing yet said Dr. Kelly Victory . These vaccines weren’t tested until May of this year. It was two decades before the Chicken Pox vaccine was approved and mandated. It was approved after ten years in 1995 and not mandated for school children until 2003.
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Children, except those with serious issues, have 0 death rates.
There is no substitute for time.
You can find all of them at We have posted an enormous collection of studies on early treatment, as well as the overwhelming data on natural immunity. #FactsNotFear
— Kelly Victory MD (@DrKellyVictory) October 20, 2021