NY Comes for Donald Trump’s Gun Rights Over Scam Conviction


According to reports, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is preparing to revoke former President Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun. This comes from a senior police official who spoke with fake news CNN.

Reportedly, former President Trump’s New York concealed carry license was quietly suspended on April 1, 2023, after the absurd charges were filed.

Two of his guns were turned over to NYPD in March. One gun was “lawfully moved to Florida,” the single source said. If he still possesses the gun, he could be violating multiple state and federal laws—the Gun Control Act of 1968 bans any felon from possessing a gun or ammo.

The source said they would investigate him and probably revoke his license. He can request a hearing.

Donald Trump has Secret Service protection, but Democrats are trying to take that away. They want him unprotected.

Although it’s a long shot, let’s pray that the Supreme Court intervenes in Donald Trump’s Manhattan case. The long, drawn-out appeals process will come too late.

Donald Trump is sacrificing everything to save America.

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