NY Gov Hochul Will Decide If you’re Essential


The way leftists think, in a nutshell: “Peo­ple pro­vid­ing ser­vices to ‘gov­ern­ment owned or leased build­ings’ are es­sen­tial—but those do­ing the same for pri­vate buildings aren’t.”

~ Brit Hume tweet

As the Wall Street Journal reports in an Op-Ed by Eugene Kontorovich, Governor Kathy Hochul will tell you if you’re essential. Mr. Kontorovich write: Gov. Kathy Hochul announced on Christmas Eve that people whose jobs New York state deems unimportant must stay home and quarantine for 10 days if they test positive for Covid-19. Others are free to return to work five days earlier. The state Health Department described its guidance as allowing for a shortened quarantine for “Healthcare Workers and Other Critical Workforce.” But the meaning is the same: People will be confined to their homes not based solely on their risk of contagion but also on the government’s perception of their social or economic value.

The only considerations are political and economic, not scientific.

The jobs New York deems “critical” go far beyond those necessary to sustain human life. Bartenders, movers, and law professors may return to work after five days under New York’s new guidance. People providing services to “government-owned or leased buildings” are essential—but those doing the same for private buildings aren’t.

This is more of the BS we’ve heard since the pandemic began. They love picking winners and losers and the losers are always the small private businesses. They are anti-capitalism.

The New York quarantine guidance is another step toward general governmental authority to determine who gets to work and who doesn’t…Gossip columnists were “essential” in many states. So were marijuana dispensaries, illegal under federal law.

People disagree passionately on policies such as mask and vaccine mandates. But one neutral way to ensure that policymakers don’t abuse the power, and limit coercive measures to the minimum, is to apply them across the board. In a free society, everyone is equally essential.

Guess what – we are not free.

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