Obama Sneers: Don’t Vote for DJT, He Didn’t Change Diapers


Barack Obama hit the campaign trail, screaming at everybody, spilling acrimonious invective against Donald Trump. Unsurprisingly, he’s not talking about Harris’s record. He said some things at the Pennsylvania rally that sounded more like Kamalaisms.

Obama doesn’t think Donald Trump ever changed a diaper and then agreed with someone in the audience who said, “his own.” Nice. What is he 12? So, don’t vote for him. He’s no good, he didn’t change a diaper.

Donald Trump can’t say anything without the media attacking him, but they thought that line was great.

Opie asked Donald Trump about whether he would change diapers 18 years ago. DJT said changing diapers isn’t his thing. “I’m a great father, but that’s not my thing.”

Obama ridiculed Donald Trump because that is Alinsky’s Rule #5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point. It works to irrationally sway opinions.

Barack Obama doesn’t like Donald Trump trying to sell gear even though Barack did it shamelessly. Kamala has a billion dollars from elite leftists who live on the coasts, so she doesn’t have to fundraise selling gear.

Anyway, a lot of us want Trump T-shirts and hats.

He wants you to vote for these two goofballs who want your gun rights, speech rights and hope to eliminate the borders, the filibuster, the Electoral College, gas, oil, and coal, and take your money for their politics of greed and envy.

Barack doesn’t have our best interests at heart. He’s a nice-looking, charming, globalist ideologue. He’s dangerous with clownish political views.

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