Obama’s Drive-in Rally Did Nothing to Help Biden


Today former president Barack Hussein Obama delivered a shrill speech for Joe Biden in front of literally a few dozen cars at an Orlando, Florida, drive-in.

Obama spoke really fast, like he had somewhere else he’d rather be. The casual and relaxed style he’s so well known for was missing. I don’t think Obama is accustomed to giving up his free time for such a small audience.

Biden supporters could be seen texting, wandering around, and relaxing on the hoods of their cars. There was no enthusiasm among the Biden supporters. Obama almost looked annoyed.

Compare that with the raucous Trump rallies. The president has to stop talking until the crowds stop cheering so he can continue.

Unlike at Trump rallies, the cameras turned around to reveal the small crowd at Obama’s campaign speech for Biden. That was a big mistake. The chosen one couldn’t manage to inspire much of a reaction from the small crowd. A few people honked their horns. It’s not clear if they were honking for Obama or if they were just trying to get out of the parking lot.

To make matters worse, Obama admitted he didn’t know Joe Biden very well when he picked him as his vice president. Well, that’s pretty scary! Why would you choose as your running mate someone you don’t know? And why in heaven’s name would you admit it?

Obama tried to take credit for everything that Trump has accomplished. He couldn’t get things done during his administration, but he claimed Trump rode in on his coat tails. Trump got blamed for everything, and then some.

Instead of campaigning for Biden, Obama essentially campaigned against Trump. Apparently there aren’t enough good things to say about Biden or his policies.

The New York Times published an article after today’s Trump rally in Detroit, Michigan. The newspaper claimed Trump told 131 lies in his 90-minute speech. They should have kept score at Obama’s drive-in rally for Biden in Orlando. He told some whoppers!

Obama furthered the lie about Trump paying only $750 in taxes. Then he accused Trump of having a secret Chinese bank account. He failed to mention that President Trump turned down his $400,000 a year salary!

By the time Obama finished his speech, his voice was strained and he looked exhausted. He asked people to “honk if you’re fired up, honk if you’re ready to go!” He had to ask again because no one honked.

Barack wandered around for only a minute or so to wave at the “tens” of mostly white Biden supporters before walking off the stage and disappearing into a tent. And into irrelevance.

Obama’s speech more about his own legacy. It did nothing to help Biden’s campaign.

Image from: orlandosentinel.com

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