O’Keefe Exposes the Lucrative Business of Betraying the USA


O’Keefe Media Group infiltrated one of the covert illegal immigrant compounds called CASA ALITAS in Tucson. Catholic Community Services of Tucson funds this secret operation and enriches groups like “Las Palmas.” O’Keefe disguised himself as a homeless drunk vagrant, and Mexican illegals wore hidden cameras to gain entrance inside.

Police confirmed on tape that refugees are “lying about sponsors.”

Casa Alitas migrants are brought to the Ramada Inn, where breakfast, lunch, hygienic services, and free wifi are offered, O’Keefe wrote.

One migrant said he’s excited to come to the country to make many American babies.

Migrants told one of his undercover journalists that NGOs “Get paid no matter what.” A migrant told one undercover journalist that they had seen many gang members come through in caravans. The migrant told them that Border Patrol suspected gang members, but they still let them pass through, “They will ask about gang tattoos, but Border Patrol still lets those people in.”

They interviewed a taxi driver while posing as a local ministry outreach member and discovered that Catholic Community Services “…gives them (migrants) services but don’t treat them well. They scare them.”

The NGOs are all about the money, said the whistleblower.

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