One More Cat Eating Video: Ohio Cat Eaters


I wasn’t going to post any more cat-eating videos, but this one is confirmed by Christopher Rufo, a researcher one can trust.

Africans In Dayton were caught barbecuing cats. I will mention here a community note claiming NewsGuard found it wasn’t true. NewsGuard is an extremely dishonest fact-checker of the left. The co-founder is tight with Soros. NewsGuard so-called researchers spoke with a woman who posted the video early on.

The woman who posted the video allegedly didn’t know anything much about the video and couldn’t tie it to Africans. She begged forgiveness, saying she wasn’t a racist. You can imagine how frightened the woman was.

“It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,” Springfield resident Erika Lee told NBC News on Friday.

Lee said she pulled her daughter out of school and is now worried about her safety with so much attention on her family. She is also concerned for the safety of the Haitian community, which she said she did not intend to villainize en masse.

“I feel for the Haitian community,” she said. “If I was in the Haitians’ position, I’d be terrified, too, worried that somebody’s going to come after me because they think I’m hurting something that they love and that, again, that’s not what I was trying to do.”

NewsGuard clearly doxxed the woman who has a child, and they didn’t interview the person who created the video. NewsGuard is a fraud. They didn’t prove anything except that this woman didn’t know much or wasn’t about to admit much out of fear.

The Real Story

Rufo is a fine researcher and has totally different information. He and his team spoke with the video’s author and eyewitnesses. He found it to be true but also cautioned readers. Read his article here.

We aren’t opposed to Africans or Haitians. Still, we do need a reasoned debate about taking in millions of people who are uneducated, possibly uncivilized, and doing it without any expectation of assimilation. They are also unvetted, and these countries are filled with warlords. We don’t want to become the Congo or Haiti.

The media is simply trying to make Donald Trump look delusional or insane. The real delusion is the one Democrats create with Kamala Harris, the most unpopular vice president in history. Watch her second interview, a solo, on this link.

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