Orchestrated Momentum to Retire Joe Biden Is Building


The Left is getting ready to retire Joe Biden. His usefulness as a figurehead is coming to an end. The momentum is building, and it was probably planned months ago.

The far-left New York Times columnist Ezra Klein wants Joe Biden to resign. Klein begins his piece by talking about Biden’s alleged “wisdom.”

“My heart breaks a bit for Joe Biden. This is a man who has been running for president since he was young. He wins the presidency, finally, unexpectedly, when he’s old. And that age brought him wisdom. ..,” Klein wrote.

Klein bragged about how Biden [and his handlers] united the party:

“But instead of making them bend the knee, instead of acting as a victor, Biden acted as a leader. He partnered with Bernie Sanders. He built the unity task forces. He integrated Warren’s and Sanders’s ideas and staff into not just his campaign but also his administration.”

Joe Biden

Joe Biden, figurehead President

Then Klein bragged about the spending bills. He commented on Biden’s “slips” and “poor memory.” This makes me think the purpose of the Hur report was to thread the needle so they could continue the case against Trump but perhaps ditch Joe before May.

Klein wants Joe out, and if we know the NY Times, they are in on some plan, probably the one we thought would happen – a last-minute replacement with someone Trump haters will vote for.

“We had to wait till this year — till now, really — to see Biden even begin to show what he’d be like on the campaign trail. And what I think we’re seeing is that he is not up for this. He is not the campaigner he was, even five years ago. That’s not insider reporting on my part. Go watch a speech he gave in Pennsylvania, kicking off his campaign in 2019. And then go watch the speech he gave last month in Valley Forge, kicking off his election campaign. No comparison here. Both speeches are on YouTube, and you can see it. The way he moves, the energy in his voice.”

He didn’t campaign four years ago, either. He was in his basement, and almost no one went to the few rallies he held.

Progressive Nate Silver, founder of FiveThirtyEight, said he wants Biden to do four lengthy interviews to see if he can do it. If not, “it’s awfully audacious to ask Americans to make him president for another four years.”

Then Joe has the problem of his corrupt brother.

Joe Biden’s brother served as a healthcare consultant to a hospital conglomerate that filed for bankruptcy and is accused of Medicare fraud. The President’s brother had no healthcare experience and built his consulting business on the presumption of access to then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Emails obtained by Politico show Jim Biden telling a prospective customer in Tampa that “This would be a perfect platform to expose my Brothers team to [your] protocol.”

As it turns out, Brother James did nothing for Americore.

“POLITICO’s investigation did not find that Joe Biden involved himself in the firm or took actions on its behalf. However, Joe Biden did benefit indirectly from his brother’s work with the firm. On the same day, Jim Biden received a $200,000 payment from Americore, and he made out a check for his brother Joe. The White House has said the check was for repayment of a loan but did not respond to questions about the circumstances of the loan, including whether Joe Biden was aware of his brother’s income from Americore.”

Michigan Democrats are angry over the Treasury rules killing a tax break for a new semiconductor factory, and the Arabs are angry over Israel.

73% of Democrats rate Biden’s handling of the border as “somewhat bad” or “very bad,” according to Pew Research.

Democrats may have realized that they cannot successfully present Biden to the public, even with dishonesty and cheating.

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