Pandemic Treaty’s Vax Passport Regimes & Lockdowns Are Back

The World Health Organization (WHO) is back with its plans for a new Pandemic Treaty that will give them control over the medical sovereignty+ of 194 member nations, including the US.

The planned international pandemic preparedness treaty is taking place as the World Bank and other organizations advance new vaccine passport regimes.

The WHO met with obstacles earlier this summer when people realized they would lose medical sovereignty and beyond over their own nations. [Passport regimes and lockdowns affect every area of life and the economy].

In addition to allowing the WHO and Tedros Adhamon, the Who chief, to intrude on sovereignty, they will receive a great deal of redistributed wealth.


A majority of WHO member states, on July 21, during a meeting of WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), agreed to pursue a pandemic treaty with legally binding and non-binding elements.

The WHO, incestuously tied to Maoist China, wants the unilateral power to declare pandemics, recommend mandates, establish vaccine passport regimes, and demand money.


Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum, African Union, and World Bank, with their  $1 billion slush fund for “disease surveillance” and “support,” are developing their own pandemic response mechanisms, including new cross-country vaccine passport frameworks.

The new Pandemic Treaty framework will build on the original in a far more authoritarian way if they can. This is as a complete imbecile is in the Oval Office.

The member countries have agreed to the following so far:

“Kickstart a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or another international instrument, under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”


The UN would essentially have enormous power over 194 sovereign nations.

The IHR framework already allows the WHO director-general to declare a public health emergency in any country without the consent of that country’s government. However, the framework requires the two sides to first attempt to reach an agreement.

On July 8, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), composed of many of the world’s industrialized nations, announced it would promote the unification of the different vaccine passport systems currently in use worldwide.

Thirty-six countries and international organizations participated in a July meeting to “create a multilateral framework for establishing a global vaccine passport regime,” according to Nick Corbishley of Naked Capitalism.

The WHO wants to harmonize global vaccine passport regimes.


The proposals include several sovereignty-robbing mandates and will allow the chief – Tedros  Adhanom – to form a “compliance committee.” It is as Orwellian as it sounds. Beware global compliance committees.

The Daily Sceptic noted one of the risks stemming from the negotiations for a new or updated treaty includes the potential codification of “the new lockdown orthodoxy for future pandemics,” which would “replace the sound, science-based, pre-COVID recommendations” previously in place.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, such a treaty would grant the WHO “absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care, and more.”

He also questioned the one-size-fits-all as he should.

It’s a tremendous amount of power in the hands of Maoist China regime, indirectly or directly.

Although no final agreement was achieved at the May meeting, consensus was reached to organize a new special ministerial session for Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, U.K.’s ambassador to the UN, Simon Manley tweeted, “negotiations may take time, but this is a historic step towards global health security.”

We fought a war to get away from these types of authoritarian Brits.

Recently, Tedros declared monkeypox a global public health emergency, overruling the advice of his own committee of advisors. It isn’t wise to give this man any power. That is, unless you want to give up sovereignty to a global regime answering to Communist China.



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