Pathetic News! The Oval Office Can’t Accommodate Biden Any Longer


Aged President Biden

The White House has largely stopped using the Oval Office for press events — in part because it can’t be permanently equipped with a teleprompter for President Joe Biden to read from, according to Politico. Instead, they use a room with a stage next to the White House that can fit his huge teleprompter.

Biden needs a huge teleprompter because he can’t comprehend or ad lib like most people. It doesn’t appear to be so much about vision as him not understanding what he’s saying.

Politico also said – without suggesting it’s absurd – that Biden has repeatedly said he plans to seek reelection. White House aides and Biden advisers are taking initial steps to mount a bid, believing he has a strong record and would overcome intraparty concerns about his age — on Election Day 2024 he will be just shy of 82 — and shaky poll numbers. [Shaky? They’re abysmal.]

A strong record of doing what?

This is all normal for Politico. It’s not as if Politico is averse to offering its opinions in news articles. In the same article, they wrote, “Barely a year since leaving office in disgrace, Trump has enjoyed reclaiming his perch atop the GOP and playing kingmaker in the primary season…”

Last election, Biden used COVID to run for office from his basement. He might not have an excuse to talk occasionally from his basement this time.

He can’t speak.

Biden doesn’t know where he’s coming from or where he’s going, and he doesn’t who is who or what is what.

Fun clips of the old dishonest racist:

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