PBS Film Pushes Whites to Fork Over “Sacred Reparations”


PBS released a new documentary called America Reframed, slyly pushing reparations.

They found a Jesuit named Father Brian Paulson, who claims that reparations are “sacred,” and it puts us on a “sacred mission.”

They presented people for and against it, beginning with Senator Mitch McConnell. He said, “Yeah, I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago for whom none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea.”

Sarah Eisner, a descendant of slave owners and currently of the reparations project, claimed it is actually “Fear. ‘What are you gonna take from me?'”

Senator Tommy Tuberville said, “They want to take over what you’ve got; they want to control what you have. They are not owed that.“

Benjamin Morawek, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons [reparations is looting]

The documentary brought up the Holocaust and compared the two. Germany is giving Holocaust survivors and descendants a minimal amount of money for stolen goods.

The white Father Paulson kept coming in and out of the documentary to back up the idea of reparations. When a Michigan Republican echoed McConnell’s comments like, how can you hold Americans  today responsible for atrocities 150 years ago, Paulson said, “How long, O Lord, how long must we live with these extreme racial disparities in these United States of America.”

As if giving free money would do anying but divide us more. Look at what has come from welfare.

Journalist Roland Martin said, “You keep saying slavery, but you can’t ignore Jim Crow.” Paulson responded. “They underestimate the value of the privilege of being white in the United States.”

What do you think? I know what I think as someone who worked hard for everything I have.

Read the story and the transcript at Newsbusters.

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